Is work-life balance possible for moms?

Well in all honesty, everyday should include self-love and care, but on Sunday’s I create extra space to nurture myself.
As a mom of 3, business owner, wife, friend, daughter, sister, homemaker, volunteer etc etc, (I know you relate) the list of people I choose to give my time to is extensive, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. BUT the only way I keep giving to those in my life is to set boundaries, create space, and respect myself and heart. Trust me, it’s taken 44 years to learn this…
So on Sunday’s I choose to stop doing most of what occupies my time and just do whatever I feel it might be at that moment. Sometimes it’s a hike, or a day-time bubble bath, reading a book, planting a new herb or just choosing to close my eyes for a few minutes. Even 30 minutes can help revive me and make me feel calmer, stronger, wiser and ready. This is a non-negotiable time on my Sunday. And lately, if I feel tapped out during my work week, I am choosing to listen to that voice in my head telling me to take a break. I committed my 40s to be more flow less push.
It’s one of my top favorite botanicals. The smell is so lovely, I just inhale and breathe while closing my eyes which really does help with stress and anxiety. I have several pots of lavender around my home- front steps, office, patio, and it’s the first scent I choose when buying any bath-related products. It’s is my fav essential oil to distill and use in our steam. You could say I’m lavender obsessed.
If you want to try your hands and making your own body scrub, this is a quick little recipe that I had shown back on CTV as part of my Mother’s Day series. It’s so luxe and will leave you feeling soft, silky and relaxed.
All you need is –
Simply soften coconut oil for a few seconds before measuring. Combine sugar and coconut oil in a large bowl. Stir until completely mixed. Add lavender buds and lavender essential oil. Stir again. Package in air-tight containers.
Stress-less this week my friends! 🌈