Banana Nut Muffins

Prep Time: 10 min
Cook Time: 0 min
Servings: 2
Chia really is the best! So versatile, nutritious and good for you! Hard to believe Mother Nature can fit soooooo much goodness into this little seed. Omega-3, fibre, protein, antioxidants- they have it all!
If you’ve never tried them, I highly suggest adding these beauties to your diet. And as a tip- I buy in bulk and keep them frozen!
Remember you can always adjust these recipes for what you like. If you don’t like ginger- replace with cinnamon, or not at all. Don’t have any coconut flour- don’t worry- you don’t need it, or you could put a pinch of a starch like tapioca. Make it your own, and reap all the benefits!
Wishing you a healthy start to your day!