Easy and Healthy Tips For Back To School Lunches

Becoming a mother has been such a tremendous blessing in my life, and one that I don’t take for granted. I realize this is a privilege bestowed onto me. I have learned more about myself than I ever thought possible. Motherhood has brought me to my low of low’s and high of highs. The emotional range throughout motherhood has been a continual pendulum that swings from one end to the next. But undoubtedly being a mom to Luca, Matteo and Capri has been my best accomplishment, hands down, and these three kids have brought more joy to my life than I ever thought possible.
One of the things that I have enjoyed most about motherhood is the opportunity to meet and connect with other mom’s. These women have become my “tribe”, my lifeline, support, truth, fun, and the people I feel who get me the most. After I had my first son, Luca, I felt alone. I felt isolated, tired and sad on many days. I felt like I had hit a wall and that I may not ever find my way back to “me” again. Motherhood was a difficult transition for me and it wasn’t until I started to meet other mom’s who I could share the struggles and joy’s when I saw an entirely different side of this role as “mom”.
The women in my circle, whom I am lucky enough to call my friends, have meant more to me than I can really explain. We are all in this stage of life together. Each of us going through the good and bad of motherhood in our own way, yet we bond, connect and share, and inspire each other to be the best we can be and encourage each other to say no to “mommy guilt”.
Just know that you too are inspiration, that you are amazing, and a gift and that your children are so lucky to have you care for them. I wish you a May filled with love, and happiness, and that you are made to feel appreciated.
xo, Karlene