Omega-3s for Brain Health

What you put into your body every single day influences how you feel. It really is impossible to talk about health unless we talk about food. Food is health. Food is power. Food is fuel. And to truly improve your health and energy levels you need to improve your food choices. It can be overwhelming when making some of the initial changes in your diet. So, I recommend focusing on 3 key macronutrient groups each time you eat: protein, fiber and healthy fat. Making it extra easy, many of the foods in the protein and fat categories also contain fiber.
We often associate protein with its power to build lean muscles. And yes, it is important for that, but the benefits may be much greater than you imagined. Protein is important for:
There are many sources of protein including:
Good fats are essential nutrients that our body can’t make but definitely need. Did you know that our entire cell structure is made from good fats? It’s true! These fats nourish joints, muscles, hair, skin, nails, the gut, the brain, the nervous system, the retina of the eye and more.
Each time you eat, choose from the following good fats:
In addition, I recommend supplementing with 1,500 mg of EPA and DHA each day. These are the two most important omega-3s for health.
After you understand macronutrient consumption, ensuring that each time you eat (5 x per day), you are consuming a balance of protein, fibre and healthy fats, it’s time to consider adding some of the top energy forming foods into your diet. These not only provide the macronutrients I discussed, but also provide additional minerals such as magnesium and potassium, B vitamins (the most energizing vitamin), enzymes (such as bromelain).
Consider adding 50 mg of an active B vitamin complex to your morning regime.